PETEC’s history dates back to 2001. PETEC (Petroleum Technologies) was established by one of the leading Norwegian independent petroleum R&D institutions – Rogaland Research (since 2006 – International Research Institute of Stavanger AS (IRIS), and from 2018 – Norce AS).

During these years PETEC has passed a long way turning from a small rep office of Rogaland Research into a respectful independent E&P consultants. We have also become suppliers of software from the world leading developers – Canadian Computer Modeling Group, Danish CALSEP, French ELLIS. Russian co-investors (ZAO “NTK” and later AO “PETEC”) assisted with development of a highly qualified expert team. Norce remains a shareholder and a reliable partner. If required, Norce provides assistance in performing integrated large projects. We also cooperate with our international partners on implementation of integrated operations centers, AI, digitalization and cognitive solutions.

PETEC has working experience and performed projects not only in Russia, but also abroad - in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Belarus, Norway, Columbia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Iran and Saudi Arabia.